If you have been very ill, the best advice is to be a “seafood
vegetarian” eating fish, eggs and dairy products to supply you
with protein.
Drink 6 kinds of beverages:
- milk • malonate-free fruit juices
- water • malonate-free vegetable juices
- herb teas • homemade (see Recipes)
This means getting off caffeine. And if you are already fa-
tigued, this means you might be even more fatigued for a short
time. You might have headaches from withdrawal, too. But they
will only last 10 days. Mark your calendar and count off the
days. Headache medicine, like all medicine, is likely to have
benzene pollution from the colorant used; avoid it. For energy,
to replace caffeine, take one arginine (500 mg) upon rising in
the morning and before lunch. Soon you won't need it.
Cutting down on coffee, decaf, soda pop and powdered
drinks won't do. You must be completely off. They contain very
toxic solvents due to the processing.
Although grain (drinking) alcohol is the recommended anti-
septic for household use, that doesn't mean you may safely
drink it. It is inadvisable to drink any form of alcohol at least
until you are fully recovered (two years). This is why black
walnut hull tincture, which is 20-50% grain alcohol, is taken in
a lukewarm beverage (to evaporate some of the alcohol) and
followed by a dose of niacinamide.
- Milk: 2%, in plastic container (paper containers tested
positive to dioxane, which is a well studied carcinogen).
Drink three 8 oz. glasses a day. Homemade yogurt is
fine. Goat milk is better. Start with ¼ cup and increase