The Cure for All Cancers

(pavlina) #1


move your chemicals into your garage. Also move any car tires
and automotive supplies like waxes, oil, transmission fluid, and
the spare gas can (even if it is empty) into your garage or dis-
card them.
Seal cracks in the basement and around pipes where they
come through the wall with black plastic roofing cement. In a
few days it will be hard enough to caulk with a prettier color.
Spread a sheet of plastic over the sewer or sump pump.

Clean Garage
Do you have a garage that is a separate building from your
home? This is the best arrangement. You can move all the
basement chemicals into this garage. Things that will freeze,
such as latex paint, you may as well discard. But if your garage
is attached, you have a problem. Never, never use your door
between the garage and house. Walk around the outside. Don't
allow this door to be used. Tack a sheet of plastic over it to
slow down the rate of fume entrance into the house. Your house
acts like a chimney for the garage. Your house is taller and
warmer than the garage so garage-air is pulled in and up as the
warm air in the house rises. See the drawing.
In medieval days, the barn for the animals was attached to
the house. We think such an arrangement with its penetrating
odors is unsavory. But what
of the gasoline and motor
fumes we are getting now
due to parked vehicles?
These are toxic besides!
This is even more be-
If your garage is under
your house, you cannot
keep the pollution from en-
tering your home. In this

Fig. 72 Garage fumes
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