The Cure for All Cancers

(pavlina) #1


far away from the liver. It is found where the baby stages and
carcinogens (copper, fungus, etc.) are. Do the stages make the
Why must there be isopropyl alcohol in the liver and can-
cerous tissue for cancer to develop? Is isopropyl alcohol part of
the chemistry of ortho-phospho-tyrosine formation? Are the
eggs and cercaria attracting the isopropyl alcohol or is the iso-
propyl alcohol damaged tissue attracting the parasite stages? Or
is isopropyl alcohol simply force-hatching the eggs or metacer-
We have found a bacterium, Clostridium, to be present in
every tumor. And, indeed, a bacterial theory has been worked
on in the past. Dr. Livingstone-Wheeler believed the bacterium
to be Progenitor cryptocides. A book has been published about
her findings.^58
Could there be a virus that is really doing all this instead of
the fluke? Again, if the virus belonged to a fluke-bacterium or
to the fluke itself, it would be plausible. The virus theory has
quite an impressive amount of research behind it.
Why do some people have isopropyl alcohol in their livers,
intestine and white blood cells after using shampoo or shaving
chemicals while others do not? Evidently, many people can
detoxify it quickly so it doesn't build up. Is this a liver problem,
caused by the fluke, or a toxin such as aflatoxin B? I never see
isopropyl alcohol without aflatoxin B being present. Or do
other known carcinogens act by inhibiting isopropyl alcohol
If aflatoxin B is the culprit, why does it accumulate in some
of us but not others, since we all get plenty of it in our diet? I
have evidence indicating vitamin C protects against aflatoxin B.

(^58) The Conquest of Cancer by Virginia Livingston-Wheeler, MD
and E.G. Addeo, Franklin Watts 1984.

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