The Cure for All Cancers

(pavlina) #1


There are documented cases of large doses of vitamin C being
effective against cancer.
Because I always see Aspergillus fungus growing in the
cancerous tissues, is aflatoxin being produced right then and
there? Or are we merely eating too much aflatoxin? I also see
Penicillium fungus with its mycotoxin, patulin.
What is the role played by human Chorionic Gonadotropin
(hCG)? It is always found in the liver, at the same location
where the isopropyl alcohol is found, but only after isopropyl
alcohol builds up there. And I see hCG before ortho-phospho-
tyrosine is made. hCG quickly spreads itself throughout the
body (notice how often it is found “everywhere” in the case
histories). Does hCG tag the tissue that will become cancerous
and begin to make ortho-phospho-tyrosine? Is it being made by
a mutant gene?
What is the role played by other growth factors? What about
tumor necrosis factor? Why don’t cancer patients have this like
others do? Are they eating more patulin?
Why does only Fasciolopsis cause cancer when many other
flukes are also multiplying? Production of ortho-phospho-
tyrosine can be stimulated by NMDA receptor activation.^59
Perhaps the intestinal fluke alone possesses a virus, a
bacterium, or an antigen epitope that fits in the NMDA

Fortunately, these questions don't have to be answered be-
fore you cure yourself of cancer.

(^59) Hilmar Bading and Michael E. Greenberg, Stimulation of Pro-
tein Tyrosine Phosphorylation by NMDA Receptor Activation, Science
1991, vol. 253, pp. 912-914.

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