The Cure for All Cancers

(pavlina) #1


1 Lydia Hernandez Breast Cancer
Lydia Hernandez is a 62 year old school teacher, developing cata-
racts and suddenly losing her hearing. She has seen an Ear, Nose and
Throat doctor and had a CAT scan and MRI. She is aching all over. The
purpose of her visit was her laryngitis which she has had 4 days. Cannot
speak at all.
: Arsenic (Toxic Element) YES (present in her white blood
We will test home air and school room air for arsenic. She will
collect a dust sample in ajar of water. After finding arsenic we did
not complete the toxic element test or do other tests because this is
not a scheduled visit. She will make an appointment.

Five days later
Both breasts are hot and tender with the nipple affected. Throat still
raspy. Ear bothering her.
: Ortho-phospho-tyrosine (Cancer) YES
: Fasciolopsis (Parasite) YES at liver
She will start on parasite killing program.
: Cobalt (Toxic Element) YES at breast
Stop detergent.
: Chromate (Toxic Element) YES at breast
Stop cosmetics.
: Antimony (Toxic Element) YES at breast
Stop cosmetics.
: Copper (Toxic Element) YES at breast
Has no metal tooth fillings but has copper water pipes.
: Asbestos (Toxic Element) YES at breast
: Bismuth (Toxic Element) YES at breast
Stop cosmetics. She has brought in a sample of school air where she
teaches. It was YES (positive) for arsenic and asbestos. She is on
antibiotics, cortisone, and sinus medicine from her clinical doctor.
She is getting sick leave from teaching.

Four days later
Breasts are feeling better.

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