The Cure for All Cancers

(pavlina) #1


They will bring a copy of his file. He is being monitored with blood
test every three weeks.
: Holmium (Toxic Element) YES at all tissues
: PCB (Toxic Element) YES at all tissues
: Ytterbium (Toxic Element) YES at all tissues
They have well water, 25 year old well. They moved into this house
5 years ago. No industry has ever been in their neighborhood. Their
pump went out two years ago because lightning hit the house which
was grounded to the pump. Pump blew out at that time and was
replaced. Well is about 40 feet deep and water was tested after that.
Conclusion: I believe PCB source might be the well-pump that blew
apart two years ago.

When they first moved into the house, the mother got very sick (in
bed). For the next year she had arm numbness, dizziness, could not
go up and down stairs. They tested with MRI for multiple sclerosis,
brain tumor, and found nothing. She has gradually gotten better. A
year later, her oldest daughter got very sick. About six months
before diagnosis, Mark fell out of tree and broke both elbows.
… Kidney Stones (ALL) NO
: Fasciolopsis (Parasite) YES in bone and liver (remainder
Start on parasite program.

My present theory is that the pump (a submersed type) in their well
was damaged by lightning so that it spilled its PCB into the water.
Since the PCB would rise to the top, their water would get much
more polluted when the water level was low. The pump was
replaced with another submersed kind. The father is interested in
proving this theory. They agree to not use well water for any pur-
pose and bring sample for testing next time.

Two weeks later
Cough is nearly gone. Right knee pain persists. He is due for a
chemo treatment (VincristineTM) next week. They will send results
from a previously done blood test and a new one to be done next
week. He is on 6 MPTM (1 tab/day, 50 mg tab) daily. No side ef-

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