: Diplococcus (Pathogen) YES in all tissues
Must see dentist for abscess.
Four months later
: Acetone (Solvent) YES
Probable cause of neuropathy, along with bacteria —is planning to
see dentist)
Summary: Nevita had Hodgkin's disease for about 4 years when
she came to us. She saw her medical doctor regularly throughout that
time. But after ridding herself of the intestinal fluke this spring, her
doctor noted that, for the first time, he saw no evidence of Hodgkin's
anymore. Her spring visit was not a regular visit, nor were her later
ones. She only came in to restock her vitamin supply. That is why her
visits were so short. At her first visit, I told her about the pro-
panol/cancer connection and she took herself off cosmetics. So when the
solvent test was done later on, no isopropyl alcohol was found in her.
9 Paula Erickson Breast Cancer
Paula Erickson is a healthy looking person, age 58, with metasta-
sized breast cancer to lymph nodes. The lymph node was found in
August, 1987. Mammogram suggested that it was non-malignant. She
has had three mammograms - all non-malignant. Biopsy done in Jan.
1988 showed it was malignant. First breast was removed. Then she took
chemotherapy for six months.
Later that year a doctor put her on TamoxifenTM; it worked for a
while, then it went “haywire.” Then she was put on Megace.TM On Oct.
1989 she was started on radiation in right neck and shoulder area. That
did not seem to “do anything.” She went to Mayo Clinic and they did
nothing more; said she was on the right course. Then she went to Ellis
Fischel Clinic in Columbia, Missouri, they found a blood clot; they used
heparin in hospital (plus chemo) for eight days. She has had eight rounds
of chemo. End of July 1990, second breast was removed. Finished
chemo Nov. 1991. Then she was put on HalotestinTM.
Her right arm is very swollen and tight. She has put on 10 pounds of
water in the last month. Soreness in left shoulder since the surgery. She
is not on any morphine yet. She has a cold and is on antibiotic
ErythromycinTM. She is still coughing.