The Cure for All Cancers

(pavlina) #1


tle warts grew everywhere. She was working in a chemical plant. Al-
lergies began, and she gained 150 pounds!
: Ortho-phospho-tyrosine (Cancer) YES at cervix
Her regular doctor diagnosed pseudo tumor cerebrii although he
couldn't see it. Her cerebral pressure was elevated without visual
: Fasciolopsis (Parasite) YES at liver and colon
: Fasciolopsis miracidia (Parasite) YES at cervix and pan-
: Fasciolopsis redia (Parasite) YES at cervix and blood
… Fasciolopsis remaining stages (Parasite) NO
She was put on parasite program.

6 days later

… Ortho-phospho-tyrosine (Cancer) NO
Cancer cleared! She had a major headache on one day. A joint on
right big toe has been hurting.
… Fasciolopsis all stages (Parasite) NO
: Europium, Silver (Toxic Element) YES
Root canal, fillings.
… Toxic Elements (Remainder) NO
Remove metal from mouth. Start on thioctic - 2/day (100 mg cap-

Five days later
BLOOD TEST Result Comment

  1. Calcium slightly low Drink 2% milk, 3 glasses/day; magne-
    sium (300 mg) 1/day; Vit D (by pre-
    scription from dentist 50,000) 1-
    2/week forever.

  2. SGOT, SGPT very low B6 500 - 1/day for a while, then

  3. LDH high (190) cancer not yet cleared at the time of

  4. cholesterol very low cancer risk

  5. Iron very low parasites

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