her early 50's and had been a dynamic, active person. She had friends
willing to help her husband with transportation to the office. She did
everything promptly without complaining. Her husband and friends
supported her and were not negative about alternative therapy. She had
a particularly difficult time killing all the parasite stages but pursued
the program diligently without being discouraged and quitting. She
seemed to enjoy life enough to make the effort worthwhile. She was an
inspiration for all of us in the office. At the last visit she was her former
busy self.
18 Martha Zendel Ovarian and Bone Cancer
This is a very pleasant middle-aged woman from a neighboring state
who was diagnosed with ovarian cancer about ten years ago. However,
she did not do any treatments except wheat grass, herbs, etc. on her own.
She now has a pain syndrome over most of her body, especially her
lower body. She has a lot of dizziness. She had a PAP smear recently,
but she did not go back to the doctor to learn the results.
: Ortho-phospho-tyrosine (Cancer) YES at ovary and bone
She aches through whole lower half of her body.
: Fasciolopsis (Parasite) YES at liver
: Fasciolopsis eggs (Parasite) YES at bone, liver, blood
: Fasciolopsis miracidia, redia (Parasite) YES at bone, liver
She will start on parasite program.
Nineteen days later
Fasciolopsis (Parasite) NO, all other stages NO
Ortho-phospho-tyrosine (Cancer) NO
Cancer is gone.
: Molybdenum (Toxic Element) YES
She will be cautious about automotive chemicals in the house. She
will bring wheat grass sample for me to see. She is enthusiastic
about doing a liver cleanse.
Kidney Stones (ALL) NO (remarkable)
Her joints are stiffening up. Terrific pain in her arms. She has had
kidney infections (pain over kidney, frequency of very yellow urine,
dizziness, ears are shut). She was started on our kidney