The Cure for All Cancers

(pavlina) #1


… Protein 24 (HIV) NO
: Haemophilus infl, Gardnerella vag, Eikenella, Lepto inter,
Diplo pne, Klebsiella pn, Histomonas mel (Pathogens) YES
She is obviously not well; has low immunity.
: Pancreatic fluke stages (Parasite) YES
: PCB (Toxic Element) YES
She will stay off detergents.
: Benzene (Solvent) YES in thymus
: Isopropyl Alcohol (Solvent) YES
These solvents would explain Martha's low immunity. Her cancer
has not returned but it is only a hair's breadth away. She will avoid
eating solvent-polluted food and products and using solvent-
polluted products and go back on the parasite program.

19 Anna Stewart Colon Cancer
Anna Stewart is 83 years old, a charming intelligent person, inter-
ested in how everything worked and quite conversational. She is living
alone in an apartment although her son brought her to see us. Her com-
plaint is bloating and gas, loss of bowel control, and pain across the mid-
abdomen. She had bone cancer 40 years ago and was treated at the
Hoxsey Clinic for it. This clinic was shut down soon after her visit. It
was considered quackery. She has stayed on their herb recommendations
and been health conscious ever since.
… Kidney Stones (ALL) NO Most unusual.
: Eimeria (Parasite) YES
: Fasciolopsis (Parasite) YES at liver
: Fasciolopsis miracidia (Parasite) YES at liver and blood
: Ortho-phospho-tyrosine (Cancer) YES at colon, NO at
Has colon cancer. She will start parasite program.

One week later

… Fasciolopsis and all stages (Parasite) NO
… Eimeria(Parasite) NO
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