The Cure for All Cancers

(pavlina) #1


sition is compared to that of other masses, in other persons, in
other organs, common denominators can be found. And if re-
moving these common denominators for patients results in
shrinkage of these benign masses, a recipe for curing your
“tumor disease” can be formulated.
A brief sketch of how we see tumor disease progress will be
given here so you can begin your healing and prevention pro-

The Cause of Tumor Disease
These are the common denominators of all the masses or
growths I have investigated, even including warts. There are
only about a dozen, not hundreds upon thousands as we are

  • tapeworm stages • cobalt (the metal)

  • Ascaris worms • vanadium (inorganic)

  • Clostridium bacteria • malonic acid and derivatives

  • copper (the metal) • fungus species

This is not an unmanageable list. Compared to the thou-
sands of chemicals on the “carcinogen” list compiled by anti-
cancer institutions, this is simple.

What Do The Tapeworm Stages Do?
We have already stated that they produce malonic acid or
somehow cause it to be made by the host, which is us. Malonic
acid stalls the Krebs cycle (the major energy-producing mecha-
nism going on within our cells) an event that leads to tumor
formation. But that is not all. Tapeworm stages also host bacte-
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