The Cure for All Cancers

(pavlina) #1


Aflatoxin B

Whenever isopropyl alcohol is in the liver, I find aflatoxin
B, a mold by-product, in the liver as well. Aflatoxin B is known
to be extremely carcinogenic. My interpretation of this coinci-
dence is that aflatoxin B is inhibiting isopropyl alcohol detoxi-
fication. Of course the reverse may be true: isopropyl alcohol
could be inhibiting detoxification of aflatoxin. Either way, if
you stop eating moldy foods your aflatoxin B level will be zero.
Some foods with aflatoxin B are beer, nuts, bread more than
a few days old, overripe fruit, and many bulk grains. Surpris-
ingly, very moldy foods like cheese show no signs of aflatoxin
B. Maybe removal of aflatoxin is the reason there are docu-
mented cases of freedom from cancer after changing to the
“macrobiotic” diet.

Malignant tumors have both the fluke and isopropyl alcohol
present. Before that, the tumor was benign. If you can prevent
tumors from forming at all, you would never have to worry
about malignant ones.

The Formation of Tumors

A tumor begins as a small overgrowth of tissue. You may
notice it simply because it presses against its neighboring organ
giving you strange sensations. When it is examined or scanned,
the doctor may call it an “adenoma” or “neoplasm,” or just
plain “mass.” Although scientists have worked for 100 years on
the causes of such little growths, there is no conclusive expla-
nation yet.
But by analyzing this little growth with the Syncrometer, its
composition can be determined qualitatively. When its compo-

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