The Cure for All Cancers

(pavlina) #1


What Does Copper Do?

There is no tumor, benign or malignant that does not have
inorganic (toxic) copper, that is detected with the Syncrometer.
On blood tests, it is easily seen that non-food copper depresses
the serum iron level. Ultimately copper is lethal because with-
out sufficient iron (in a properly reduced state, kept that way by
vitamin C) our detoxification systems fail, red blood cell for-
mation fails, energy metabolism fails, we fail.
Metallic copper comes into our bodies with water that has
run through copper pipes, from metal tooth fillings, and from
plastic tooth fillings polluted with copper. Copper has a great
affinity for sulfur and uses up our chief sulfur compounds: glu-
tathione, cysteine, taurine, and methionine. And eventually the
sulfur that must stay combined with iron in our most vital or-
gans is used up. Fortunately it is easy to eliminate toxic copper
from our bodies by removing it from your water pipes and your
Copper accumulation in cancer patients has been noted for a
long time, but it was thought to be due to the cancer itself. My
findings show the reverse, that copper accumulation causes tu-
mor growth. And in fact, the accumulation, far from being due
to the cancer patient’s genetic tendency, can be easily stopped
just by changing the water pipes and getting copper-containing
tooth fillings removed. Copper levels fall at once, letting iron
levels come up in less than a week. Immediately blood building
can resume. And as copper levels continue to go down, the in-
vasive fungus growths also decline.

What Does Fungus Do?

Quite a few fungi and their toxic products, called mycotox-
ins, have been studied in connection with cancer. The Syn-
crometer routinely detects aflatoxin and patulin, which are
mycotoxins, at the tumor site.

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