tissue together with a few millimeters of bone. This will prevent
leaving a residue for bacteria to thrive on later. Then it is
squirted with a dropperful of diluted Lugol’s iodine solution, or
straight white iodine (see Recipes). If you are allergic to iodine
use colloidal silver instead. You must supply these.
Commercial antiseptic made for the dental profession is not
satisfactory. It invariably contains isopropyl alcohol besides
other chemicals. On the positive side, though, is that they are
not trapped in your teeth, they do dissipate and get detoxified.
Save The Pieces
Tell the dentist before sitting down in the chair that you
would like to keep the extracted teeth, root canals, and fillings,
but they can all be tossed into a bag together. If the dentist tells
you this is not allowed due to Public Health regulations, agree
to fill out the appropriate application forms. They may need to
be sterilized first (in 50% bleach water—don’t autoclave be-
cause that would put mercury vapor into the air). It is amazing
that your own teeth may be considered too dangerous—too
bacteria-laden and full of mercury (a hazardous waste!)—to be
handled, even by you, the owner! (Were they safer in your
mouth?) But they do belong to you. You may be curious in the
future about what they contain, and could have been leaching.
You can preserve them in a few days, when you are up to it.
Cover them with Dental Bleach or Lugol’s to sterilize them
again. If the strong odor does not leave, you may understand
how the internal infection of these teeth was poisoning your
body! Finally, you may wish to look for the Clostridium infec-
tion, which would be a darkened area under fillings or in crev-
ices. After drying, store them in a paper bag (plastic traps
Save loose pieces of metal and plastic because you may
wish to have them analyzed at a later date, too. Or you may
simply wish to gloat over the retrieved “treasure” as you iden-
tify corrosion and gross infection.