nearby sensitive tissues. After flossing, clean these teeth by
hand-rubbing, using paper towel dampened with water and
oregano oil.
Also rinse your mouth with Dental Bleach several times
during the day and bedtime.
Dental Day Three
On the third day , you may drink blended solid food; do not
try to chew solids.
Use your water pick now after each meal. Fill the tank with
hot water to which you have added a few drops of Lugol’s io-
dine, or 1 tsp. colloidal silver, or salt. Set it at the gentlest level,
at first, squirting each site carefully. Floss the front teeth and
brush them with Dental Bleach (other antiseptics are not strong
Notice how difficult it is to squirt out any trapped food.
Swishing is not sufficient! Continue hot packing the face. If
pain returns and water picking has not succeeded in clearing it,
you must hurry back to the dentist to search for the food parti-
cle. The wound will be opened and cleaned out for you.
A moderate amount of bleeding is normal, even days later.
Bleeding caused by water picking is not too serious. But if you
sense an emergency, apply ice cubes wrapped in a paper towel
or cheesecloth. Bite down on them till bleeding stops. Continue
ice-packing for 4 hours. As soon as it is safe, return to hot-
packing. If ice packing does not stop the bleeding, go back to
the dentist or emergency room.
Cancer sufferers may have a low platelet count or be on a
large amount of “blood thinners” which promote bleeding. Yet,
oral surgery is a very skilled profession. Dental work is safe in
the surgeon’s hands. Platelets can be given just beforehand;
blood thinners can be temporarily stopped; and a transfusion
can be given before or immediately afterward. These same pa-