The electrons are not in the right place. The Krebs cycle stalls.
And because every step is dependent on the previous step the
entire chain of metabolism, called respiration, stalls. It was
known by 1909 that malonic acid is a severe respiratory inhibi-
By 1920, Otto Warburg, a scientist in Germany, had in-
vented a new device that could measure how much oxygen was
actually used by a bit of living tissue, the “Warburg apparatus”.
It was fun to measure the oxygen consumption of leaves, seeds,
insects, frogs, pieces of different tissues, embryos, young and
old tissues, and calculate their respiration rates. But Warburg
measured the respiration of a tumor and found it hardly used
oxygen at all,^64 that respiration was somehow inhibited! He de-
voted his scientific career to exploring this phenomenon. Never
was it guessed that our tumors—human tumors—actually con-
tained malonic acid! That we were eating it! It could not be
guessed because malonic acid was known as an industrial
chemical. It would not be logical to suspect it in foods or in the
animal body.
(^63) Webb, J.L., Enzyme And Metabolic Inhibitors, Vol. II, Academic Press, 1966, p. 2.
(^64) Warburg, O., The Metabolism of Tumours, Constable & Co., Ltd., 1930.
Malonic acid deceives our enzymes who think it
is succinic acid
Fig. 25 Malonate and succinate
succinic acid
CH 2
CH 2
CH 2
malonic acid