rated with Fast Green. Even eggplants and bananas are
“colored”, suggesting a combination of pesticide and dye was
used. Fast Green brings with it the lanthanide metals (thulium,
gadolinium, lanthanum, etc.). Both dye and lanthanides are very
tightly stuck to the food. Two hot water washes are needed to
clean the surface enough to risk cutting the fruit. Remember,
wherever the lanthanides arrive in your body, immunity is im-
mediately dropped. This allows parasite eggs to survive, as well
as Streptococcus bacteria, the pain causers. If you can not get
pain relief; it would be wise to avoid all fruits and vegetables
for a few days, except watermelon, cantaloupe, honeydew mel-
ons, and the thick-skinned squashes or pumpkin.
The lanthanides polluting this dye could be the way children
initiate cancers even when they do not have tooth fillings.
More Dastardly Dye Deeds
The Syncrometer detects a major disturbance in vitamin A
metabolism in whatever organ Sudan IV and the other azo dyes
are found. The bone marrow is particularly affected. We have
genes for vitamin A receptors and binding proteins. A mutation
at these genes could result from a translocation similar to “The
Philadelphia Chromosome,” characteristic of leukemia, a bone
marrow cancer. At the bone marrow the Syncrometer detects
abnormal vitamin A products like 13-cis-retinoic acid instead of
the normal 9-cis. While at the bladder 9-cis is present but 13-cis
is normal for this organ. Such exchanges could result from mu-
tations induced by dyes. Meanwhile, the proper vitamin A
members, like all-t-retinoic acid and the retinoic acid receptor
RAR α, are missing, as is retinol binding protein.
These vitamin A members are probably important in the
growth regulation for which vitamin A is known. This could
also explain why vitamin A, given to cancer patients, was found
to inhibit tumor formation many times in the past. Here are just
five examples from the research literature: