- Antitumor Action of Vitamin A in Mice Inoculated With
Adenocarcinoma Cells^75 - Concentration-dependent effects of 9-cis retinoic acid on
neuroblastoma differentiation and proliferation in vitro^76 - An Inhibitory Effect of Vitamin A on the Induction of
Tumors of Forestomach and Cervix in the Syrian Ham-
ster by Carcinogenic Polycyclic Hydrocarbons^77 - Inhibition of the Growth and Development of a Trans-
plantable Murine Melanoma by Vitamin A^78 - Prevention of chemical carcinogenesis by vitamin A and
its synthetic analogs (retinoids)^79
Azo dyes are responsible for missing oxidizers!^80 Remem-
ber that azo dyes are also responsible for an elevated alkaline
phosphatase^81 and LDH on the blood tests. If yours are elevated,
let this galvanize you into action. These dyes accidentally con-
taminate the safe dyes: annatto seed and riboflavin. Avoid all
dyes. Children consume more dairy products, jello, and cool-aid
than older persons. Is this why leukemia is commonly seen in
children? (Seventy-five percent of all leukemia is in children.)
Do children get more azo dyes, causing more vitamin A muta-
tions, causing more leukemia?
Avoiding dyes will not pose a new restriction on your diet.
It was already restricted to unprocessed (undyed) food. Now
you must pay closer attention to natural food to be sure it has
not been dyed. Which dye is used is irrelevant, since it is nearly
all contaminated with Sudan IV, Sudan Black, DAB, and other
azo dyes as detected by the Syncrometer. By avoiding all dairy
products besides processed foods and washing natural foods
(^75) Rettura, G., et. al., Jour. Nat. Cancer Inst., v. 54, no. 6, June 1975, pp. 1489-91.
(^76) Lovat, P.E., et. al., Neuroscience Letters, v. 182, 1994, pp. 29-32.
(^77) Chu, E.W., Malmgren, R.A., Cancer Res., v. 25 (6), pt. 1, pp. 884-95.
(^78) Felix, E.L., et. al., Science, v. 189, Sep. 12, 1975, pp. 886-87.
(^79) Sporn, M.B., et. al., Federation Proceedings, v. 35, no. 6, May 1976, pp. 1332-38.
(^80) Greenstein, J.P., Haddow, A., eds., Advances In Cancer Research v I, Academic
Press Inc., 1953. Miller, J.A., Miller, E.C., The Carcinogenic Aminoazo Dyes, p. 378.
(^81) Woodward, H.Q., The Glycerophosphatases of the Rat Liver Cancer Produced by
Feeding p-Dimethylaminoazobenzene, Cancer Research, v. 3, 1943, pp. 159-63.