not removed by boiling, or preserving. Peanuts are the most
notorious aflatoxin carriers. Eat no nuts of any kind until you
are well. There is one exception, the recipe for Almond Milk.
Patulin is present on any bruised fruit, and in fruit juice
made from such fruit. Make your own juice; peel your fruit so
all bruises are easily seen and removed. Patulin is also a car-
cinogen.^84 It is detoxified by cysteine.85,86 I also find that rinsing
in hydrochloric acid water removes it.
Zearalenone is the mycotoxin that is associated with ben-
zene in our bodies. In fact zearalenone is detoxified into ben-
zene in our body fat.^87 Benzene is a pervasive immune lowering
Zearalenone, itself; is estrogen-like. This means that our so-
ciety has been exposed to two powerful new estrogens in the
past half century: zearalenone from extra-moldy foods and
bisphenol-A in plastic tooth replacements. Surely this could
cause sexual dysfunction of various kinds for both men and
women. And a furtherance of cancers of the breast, ovaries,
uterus, and prostate. Zearalenone is plentiful in Russet potatoes,
potato chips, brown rice and popcorn. Immersion in hydrochlo-
ric acid-water (not for potatoes or chips) detoxifies it.
Help From The Health Department
We should be able to trust the food we purchase to be free
of truly harmful bacteria and parasite eggs. We should not ex-
pect it to be sterile—only reasonably free of filth.
(^84) Hatey, F., Moule, Y., Protein Synthesis Inhibition in Rat Liver by the Mycotoxin
Patulin, Toxicology, v. 13, 1979, pp. 223-31.
(^85) Von Wright, A., Lindroth, S., Lack of Mutagenic Properties of Patulin and Patulin
Adducts Formed with Cysteine in Salmonella Test Systems, Mutat. Res., v. 58,
1978, pp. 211-15.
(^86) Dickens, F., Cooke, J., Rates of Hydrolysis and Interaction with Cysteine of some
Carcinogenic Lactones and Related Substances.
(^87) Clark, H.R., Syncrometer Biochemistry Laboratory Manual, New Century Press,