Until now our health department standards have served us
well. But now that immunity is lowered for large fractions of
the population: cancer patients, HIV/AIDS patients, environ-
mentally ill persons, our standards of sanitation need to be
raised. There should be fewer cockroach parts in cocoa and
chocolate, less patulin in apple juice, less aflatoxin in peanut
butter, and tougher requirements in restaurants.
Most of all, milk should be sterilized, not just pasteurized. A
few salmonella and E. coli bacteria do not make a healthy per-
son sick, not in glass after glass. And swallowing tapeworm
eggs, which will never mature into a tapeworm (only into a very
small “bladder cyst” larva) has never been seen to cause any-
thing. Nobody drops dead or even gets sick. Yet here is the
mysterious beginning of our tumors. Perhaps they will stay be-
nign and never become aggressive. But without them, we would
not even have to think about it.
Kosher is cleaner. Milk, cheese and butter purchased at Ko-
sher grocery stores usually did not have tapeworm eggs, Ascaris
eggs, Rabbit fluke, or filth-bacteria. Nor were they sterilized!
Evidently, cleanliness is possible in the dairy industry. Amish-
made products were similarly much safer. Yet, the cancer pa-
tient can not take chances. When dairy foods are finally allowed
in your program, they must still be sterilized.
We can, of course, sterilize all our milk ourselves—and
must do so. But if it were done as part of the regular sanitation
procedure for milk, we would automatically have safe cheese,
ice cream, yogurt, etc. Presently these are all slightly contami-
nated with parasites, bacteria, and carcinogenic dyes, and off
limits to the cancer sufferer.
The Health Department should increase compliance in res-
taurants. We should feel secure that gloves were used to handle
food. And hands washed after bathroom use. The security sys-
tem should include an electronic message if the sink is not used
between door openings. Better yet, the Health Department