Leather goods should be removed after five minutes bleaching,
rinsed and dried by stuffing with paper to avoid shrinking.
Your own hair, if dyed, can be detoxified with dental
bleach, applied to the dry hair for 5 minutes. Then rinse out.
Wigs can be similarly treated.
Now that you have clean, safe food, air, water, bedding,
clothes, and body products, you may rest briefly. Your
achievement is great. If you are now in less pain or feel better,
your reward is already there.
So far, all your efforts have gone into removing things, not
taking things. Because removing things gives back your body
its lost immunity and missing metabolism. Taking things only
covers up the problem, like adding more and more fuel to a fur-
nace that has no draft and is broken. Vitamins, herbs, medicines,
and chemotherapy all belong to the category of things to take.
They are not totally useless. But if your goal is regaining your
full life-expectancy (not just 5 years) you must remove harmful
things first and take things second.
We will next discuss supplements, but in my discussion no-
tice the difference between those that are given to remove
things and those that represent taking things.