this reason, science, including medical science, phrases its
questions one variable at a time. For example, a lab rat may be
given asbestos or carcinogenic dye or methyl cholanthrene or
urethane or copper and so forth, but never more than one of
these. The results may be minimally tumor inducing. Antitumor
treatments are given one by one, too. But the human counterpart
gets hundreds of tumor-inducing substances at the same time—
quite a different situation. Experimental animals are not eating
asbestos-laden dyed food, nor getting metal and plastic tooth
restorations nor thulium-polluted vitamin C. This is how
medical science missed finding the causes and cures of our
tumor growths. Any single entity does not work alone, not in
causation, nor in cure. Only a specific set is the correct set.
In the 21 Day Program a selection is made to provide the
most effective set of these supplements. Their effectiveness was
monitored by the Syncrometer, blood tests, scans and assessing
the general well-being of patients. As our research advances this
set will change, becoming more effective and more manageable.
Here are the explanations.
Make Mitochondria
Thyroid. Since all cancer sufferers need thyroid hormone
supplementation for a number of purposes, it is advisable to
start this immediately, as soon as it can be obtained. Remember,
the Syncrometer detects no thyroxine in tumors, thereby crip-
pling recovery until it is obtained.
Thyroid hormones come in natural form as desiccated
(dried) thyroid gland, or as synthetic L-thyroxine (T 4 ) or other
synthetic varieties. The natural form is easy to regulate without
a doctor’s assistance. For this reason I recommend obtaining
desiccated thyroid (see Sources). But it should be treated by
dusting with vitamin B 2 to detoxify any dyes or solvents pres-
ent. Dip in water that has two drops of HCl per cup added to
provide sterilization. Pills come in various sizes from one grain
to three grains. Begin with a dose of one grain the first morning
upon rising. This lets you know if it will agree with you—that