you are not allergic to it. On the next day take two grains upon
rising. It is not too much, so that it disables your own gland, but
enough to reach the tumor cells with a significant impact.
The main purpose of taking thyroid is to stimulate the mito-
chondria of the tumor cells to divide and grow larger. These
will be more capable of taking up oxygen so respiration can
intensify to produce ATP energy. ATP energy will help make
the enzymes and other cell chemicals needed to differentiate (do
their kind of work). You can expect to feel an energy increase
and a need to breathe faster. But this may take several weeks.
Another purpose for taking a thyroid supplement is to raise
your body temperature. You may begin to feel warmer, even hot
and sweating. The heart will beat faster to carry the extra oxy-
gen all over your body. All these signs are good—unless over-
done. If the pulse goes higher than one hundred, cut back on the
thyroid to half the dose. This protects you from overdosing, al-
though the results are not life-threatening. It takes about three
weeks for the mitochondria to respond to the thyroid stimula-
tion, so the sooner you can begin, the better your chance of early
success. The use of thyroid was advised by early cancer
researchers^95 and is still in use by some alternative therapists.
Much higher doses were documented by Loeser, up to 25 grains
daily for four to six weeks. They are no doubt beneficial when
tolerated but should only be taken under the watchful eye of a
A thyroid test of the blood can not show a deficit that is spe-
cifically present in the tumorous organ. It is, therefore, wasteful
and even misleading to do the test. That is why it is not included
in our blood tests. How long should you stay on thyroid sup-
plementation? Until your tumors are gone. This may be three
weeks or three months. Be patient with your body. It is working
miracles for you.
Lugol’s iodine solution is more than an antiseptic that kills
Salmonella. It stimulates the thyroid to make more thyroxine, a
(^95) Loeser, A.A., A New Therapy For Prevention of Post-Operative Recurrences in
Genital and Breast Cancer, A Six-Years Study of Prophylactic Thyroid Treatment,
Brit. Med. Jour., v. 6, 1954, pp. 1380-83.