formation^96 according to most researchers. Since both vitamins
are essential for cell health and cell division, a popular clinical
approach to cancer treatment is to withhold them until tumor
cells die. This works as long as the body is strong enough to re-
cover from the systemic effects. But at the “terminal” or
“hopeless” stages this no longer makes sense. It is wiser now to
turn around at lightning speed and supply all the nutrients in
massive amounts. Survival should come first.
Rapid Rescue
Glutathione (GSH), single-handedly can improve a semi-
comatose condition. The powerful chemistry in this molecule
can be seen when the terminal event has already begun. It can
be compared to water. The power in the simple water molecule
can only be seen in a severely dehydrated person, someone who
has collapsed on the desert without water to drink. Only water
cures and the amount must be large. The amount of glutathione
must also be large.
When a dying patient cannot be fed by intubation or IV and
only one supplement can realistically be given, glutathione is
the choice. Thirty capsules, 500 mg each, can be quickly
snipped with scissors and dumped into straight honey to make a
goop or honey-water to be drunk. This is 15 gm. Given daily, it
can salvage a loved one more quickly than any other non-
clinical treatment.
The molecule is just a simple tripeptide, meaning only three
amino acids are linked together to form it (glutamic acid, cys-
teine, glycine). It is known that the body makes it readily; there-
fore, there should be no need to supplement. Yet, for the ex-
tremely ill cancer patient, glutathione is a necessary supplement,
and in very large amounts.
Glutathione detoxifies metal, somehow raises immunity, and
supplies sulfur.
(^96) Eto, I., Krumdieck, C.L., Role of Vitamin B 12 and Folate Deficiencies in
Carcinogenesis, Adv. Exp. Med. Biol., v. 206, 1986, pp. 313-30.