vital part of every patient’s recovery. The dose is six drops in ½
glass of water (not beverages) after each meal. Taken this way it
serves both purposes at once. Do not take Lugol’s solution if
you are allergic to iodine.
Bust Malonic Acid
Vitamin B 12 and Folic Acid. After seeing the sudden ap-
pearance of malonic acid in a tumor within minutes after eating
some, I first tried doses of vitamin C to detoxify it. Nothing
happened. I gave individual amino acids and a long list of other
supplements. There were no changes. I gave vitamin B 12 alone
or folic acid alone. Nothing happened. But when I gave B 12 and
folic acid together in large amounts the malonate disappeared
and methyl malonate was in its place within ten minutes. We
could begin to mend the metabolism of the tumorous organ by
giving 6 mg vitamin B 12 and 25 mg folic acid. Anything less
would allow malonic acid to persist.
Vitamin B 12 is needed in amounts much larger than was
thought necessary in the past. In fact, cancer patients have a se-
rious deficit. Some of the body’s deficit is due to constant ma-
lonate detoxification. But some may be due to Ascaris parasites.
They eat it—even turning pink from it! After eating it, the or-
ganic cobalt in the B 12 molecule is turned into toxic inorganic
cobalt. A flood of cobalt in the liver causes globulin levels to
rise (leading to multiple myeloma). For this reason B 12 is not
given until your Ascaris parasites have been killed—on Day 1.
The Syncrometer detects no B 12 in the tumorous organ until 6 to
12 mg have been given for several days. A new sense of well
being is often noticed by the patient after taking B 12. It has been
believed that B 12 will not be absorbed if given by mouth. This
may be true for certain “pernicious anemia” cases, but cancer
patients make good use of it. The injectable variety is too often
polluted with antiseptic to risk.
Vitamin B 12 and folic acid have been extensively researched
in connection with cancer. Deficiencies are conducive to tumor