according to classical textbooks. But I find cancer patients don’t
have it! Glycine is used to make creatine, which in turn makes
creatinine. So when your blood creatinine is low, I believe there
is a shortage of glycine. In addition to the “mix,” take ½ tsp.
three times a day if creatinine levels are below 0.8.
Stop p53 Mutations
Organic germanium (not inorganic) can stop p53 muta-
tions. Hydrangea root is one, but not the only, source of or-
ganic germanium. Garlic and ginseng are said to have a lot.
Most plants have a tiny bit. And we should not need a lot. The
Syncrometer finds it also prevents hCG from appearing even in
the presence of isopropyl alcohol, suggesting that this, too, is
the result of a mutation. So it is wise to supplement. Remember,
good germanium can be turned to bad just by getting a dose of
benzene or asbestos. And the bad germanium may be cooperat-
ing with dyes to cause enzyme mutations—raising LDH and
alkaline phosphatase while lowering tributyrinase and blood
iron. So it is wise not to supplement too much. Commercial va-
rieties of organic germanium were found to be impure and are
not recommended.
Organic germanium is known to reduce T-suppresser cells
and elevate T-helper cells. It also produces interferon. The Syn-
crometer detects that it controls viral integrase, the enzyme that
can lock out viruses from your DNA.
You may make the hydrangea root into a tea, as in the kid-
ney herb recipe, doubling the amount of hydrangea. Or use as
powder for three weeks.
Return Immunity
Papain and bromelain are plant enzymes often used to
help digestion. I use them because they can digest the ferritin
off white blood cells (at least papain has been studied in this