Supply Amino Acids
Essential and Nonessential Amino Acids. Amino acids are
the building blocks for protein. Essential amino acids are the
ones that the body can’t make. Non-essential are the ones that it
can (when the person is healthy). But cancer patients have a
considerable handicap in interconverting (making) amino acids.
Often none or just a few are detected in the tumorous organ.
This could also be due to lack of ATP energy to operate the
transport mechanisms that pull them into the cells. To heal, cells
must have amino acids, they cannot wait for health to improve
first. So don’t be deceived, even the “non-essential” ones are
essential to you right now.
The recipe for a “mix” is on page 569. There are 19 ingredi-
ents altogether. It takes large doses before they are detectable by
Syncrometer. And they will not stay present unless taken daily
for a few weeks.
Both shark cartilage and chicken broth help cells replenish
their amino acids in days, not weeks; perhaps this is due to the
RNAse inhibitor they contain.
Shark Cartilage helps replenish RNAse inhibitor and
amino acids as well as providing other factors. But it must be
sterilized with cysteine-salt water (^1 / 16 teaspoon each per cup
liquid) or by adding HCl drops (see Recipes). Not many brands
have RNAse inhibitor present. It must be a casualty of process-
ing. For this reason we always add chicken broth to the cancer
program besides shark cartilage.
Glutamic acid is a very versatile amino acid and can be
transformed into other amino acids. By picking up ammonia it
changes to glutamine which has further uses. One use is making
purines, which in turn makes uric acid. So when your blood uric
acid level is low it indicates a need for glutamic acid. I recom-
mend taking glutamic acid separately from the “mix” because
so much more is needed. A large dose, 1 tbs. three times a day,
often brings a sense of well being immediately.
Glycine is the simplest of all amino acids and for this reason
can be made from others, and it should therefore never be low