letting the “digest me” flag, phosphatidyl serine, go up. Pancre-
atin and lipase arrive to digest both the protein portion and the
acrolein fat residue remaining. Peroxidase and catalase appear,
too. This tumor has now been drained and is busy being di-
gested. Soon it cannot be distinguished from normal tissue.
Meanwhile, the more urine is produced, the faster asbestos,
silicone and urethane leave the body.
If no more asbestos or dyes are eaten, you can unload one
tumor-full in two to three days. During the toxic flood, vana-
dium will cause a globulin elevation, dyes will cause vitamin A
mutations and dyes will also cause enzyme mutations that raise
LDH and alk phos. Released copper, phenanthroline, and toxic
germanium will lower blood iron so not enough can reach the
bone marrow. So the benefit of shrinking a tumor turns into a
disadvantage to your white blood cells, liver, and other vital or-
gans who must carry the burden. We must proceed slowly. And
if the LDH or alk phos rise too high, you should use IVs to help
with detoxifying. Fortunately the white blood cells are regaining
their power to help by “eating” everything again. This way,
much less needs to be detoxified.
The liver herbs will help to send the entire toxic team on to
the kidneys. And the kidney herbs will send them to the bladder.
That is why you stay on these herbs as well as all the supple-
Yet the bladder will keep them tightly stuck, allowing them
to circulate back into the body unless a large amount of urine is
produced. The next week you must drink enough beverages to
produce one gallon of urine in 24 hours.
Day 8
To make it easier to take these special high doses this week
you may reduce your Day 7 vitamix to^1 / 3 (or one meal only).
Each vitamix now lasts three days.