
(pavlina) #1

  1. Glutathione, 40 capsules (20 gm) in a single dose, stirred
    into honey. This protects the liver from the coming afla-
    toxin flood which then avoids a bilirubin rise.

  2. DMSO, 25% in water (optional). Take one tsp. as a
    mouthwash, twice daily. Swish slowly over gums. Hold
    several minutes. Swallow for maximum effectiveness.
    This “pushes” your supplements into your tissues. It also
    helps to draw toxins out of cavitations. You may add
    your wintergreen drops to this mouthwash. (50% DMSO
    is preferred, if available.) Must be edible quality.

  3. EDTA,^1 / 8 tsp. (750 mg) three times a day in 1 cup hot
    water. This chelates the heavy metals for excretion, be-
    fore they can get stuck in another tissue.

  4. Vitamin C, 12 gm. Take 2 gm with each meal and also
    between meals.

  5. Vitamin B 2 , 40 capsules (12 gm) stirred into honey or
    maple syrup (sterilized) and taken in a single dose. Take
    these about one hour after the glutathione. This opens
    the tumors, even without DMSO or EDTA.

  6. Ozonated oil, 1 tbs. (sterilized), taken 5 hours or more
    after B 2. This kills viruses.

  7. Black walnut tincture extra strength, 10 tsp. (or 2 freeze
    dried capsules four times daily, see Sources). 9 capsules
    cloves and 9 capsules wormwood once a day. Also take
    mop up cysteine and ozonated oil. This kills shielded
    parasites and emerging viruses.

  8. Magnesium, 1 three times a day with meals. This detoxi-
    fies phenol produced from liberated benzene.

  9. Exchange bromelain or papain for pancreatin (1 tsp.) plus
    lipase (1 tsp.). This will begin to digest (shrink) the tu-
    mors. Take twice a day.

  10. Levamisole, 50 mg, take one three times a day. Kills As-
    caris and keeps ferritin off white blood cells.

  11. Vitamin D 3 (cholecalciferol) 25,000 units daily, to soften
    tumors by removing their calcium deposits.
    Each high-dose day will be followed by a lower-dose day.

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