Combine pancreatin, lipase, powdered hydrangea root and
MSM and drink with another 2 gm vitamin C. Take^1 / 8 tsp.
EDTA. Take one Levamisole, 50 mg.
Supper Take 10 drops phytic acid in cup water, then take 20 drops
oregano oil, then take 2 gm vitamin C, 15 drops hydrochlo-
ric acid on your food, 2 Tbs. beet juice, six fennel capsules,
six turmeric capsules, six drops Lugol’s afterward. “Salt”
with ½ tsp. potassium gluconate. Have three drops winter-
green oil. Do DMSO mouthwash.
Bedtime Take 1 tbs. ozonated olive oil. Do enema. Sit on magnet.
Day 9
Clear the toxins that emerged from your tumors yesterday
using a “low dose” of glutathione and vitamin B 2. Coenzyme
Q10 remains at a high dose to continue catching dyes and other
toxins being released from tumors.
- Coenzyme Q10, 10 capsules (4 gm).
- Glutathione, 10 capsules (5 gm).
- Vitamin C, 12 gm a day.
- Vitamin B 2 , 10 capsules (3 gm).
- Magnesium, 1 three times a day.
- Ozonated water, 2 glasses a day.
- Ozonated oil, 1 tbs. a day.
- Parasite program.
Day 9 At A Glance
Before breakfast Ten coenzyme Q10 (400 mg each). (Only one Q10 cap-
sule on Days 15, 17 and 21.) Take thyroid (two grains),
and vitamin A (100,000 units) plus vitamin E, 100 units. Kill
parasites with 10 tsp. black walnut tincture extra strength
(or 2 capsules freeze dried), 9 wormwood and 9 cloves.
Take 2 gm vitamin C. DO DMSO mouthwash. Take^1 / 8 tsp.
You have 2 days of vitamix leftover from Day 8, so no need
to make any. Take one 50 mg Levamisole and 1 drop vi-
tamin D.
Combine pancreatin, lipase, powdered hydrangea, MSM,
shark cartilage, and drink. Make coconut beverage and
drink or take six 500 mcg sodium selenite.
Take 10 500 mg capsules of glutathione stirred into honey
(20 capsules on days 15-21).
Breakfast Take 10 drops phytic acid in cup water, then take 20 drops