The Syncrometer easily detects PTH in the parathyroid
gland when nothing disturbs it. But when copper, cobalt, vana-
dium, the malonates, urethane, bacteria, or synthetic dyes are
present in the gland, PTH disappears. This causes the calcium
level to drop.
The Syncrometer detects calcitonin in the thyroid gland
when it is healthy. But when these same toxins are present, cal-
citonin disappears and the calcium level rises. All this happens
in days, not weeks.
Having two organs that regulate something in the blood and
having them situated so close together that they actually touch
each other shows us the wisdom of Mother Nature. We see the
same principle at work in the kidneys and adrenal glands. They
can stay closely coordinated. Toxins usually saturate the smaller
organ first; the larger one has more reserves.
The parathyroids, being smaller glands, are injured more
easily by dental toxins, so the calcium level drops first; PTH
will test negative on the Syncrometer. As the toxins increase,
they begin to affect the thyroid, eventually injuring it substan-
tially. Now calcitonin is negative also and calcium rises too
high. Bone is being dissolved as the calcium level rises. Dis-
solving bones release their phosphates too. Now both calcium
and phosphate are too high.
A calcium level over 9.7 is too high even though it is well
within the “normal” range. And a phosphorus level over 3.9 is
too high also; it reflects bone dissolution. (Growing children are
an exception, their phosphate levels should be higher.)
A calcium level below nine indicates a toxin in the parathy-
roid gland. Cancer patients may have endured ten years of such
a low calcium level before serious disease sets in. Taking in
more calcium in the diet helps a little, but does not correct the
problem. Taking vitamin D helps a little, too, but must be care-
fully limited and frequently has lead pollution.
When the calcium is lowered by a parathyroid problem and
at the same time raised by a thyroid problem, both problems to-
gether result in a level that may appear perfect, when actually