One common azo dye is known to raise alkaline phos-
phatase levels, dimethylaminoazobenzene (DAB).118,119 DAB is
present as a pollutant (or as an intentional colorant) of the most
common of all antiseptics, chlorine bleach. Use of this bleach
contaminates all manufactured products where bleach is used,
so traces of DAB are left in them. Wherever the Syncrometer
detects DAB, it also detects sodium hypochlorite (common
bleach). All cases of elevated alkaline phosphatase seen had
DAB distributed widely in their tissues and built up in the fat
tissues. I believe this dye induces a mutation that causes the al-
kaline phosphatase to be produced in excess. In fact, DAB and
Sudan Black B frequently occur together, in which case both
LDH and alk phos are elevated. Because white blood cells (if
they are competent), busily eat up this dye, they are severely
affected themselves. Their excess alk phos seeps out into the
bloodstream, thus reaching the bones where the greatest harm is
Once you have too much alk phos, this calcium enzyme can
start dissolving your bones, creating lesions typical of bone can-
cer. For this reason, I disagree with current thinking that might
state “his prostate cancer metastasized to the bone.” I would say
“the same dye, DAB, that caused elevated alk phos in his pros-
tate, has reached the bones, and is now causing the same muta-
tion there, so bones are now under attack.”
Even alk phos values as high as one thousand can be re-
duced by stopping all use of manufactured products and decon-
taminating your fruits and vegetables according to the Food
Rules. But the accumulated dye does not leave the body
quickly. It has become “bio-concentrated,” like Sudan Black B,
in your body fat and within your tumors. From here it trickles
steadily to liver, spleen, and bone. For this reason, the 21 Day
(^118) Mellors, R.C., Kanematsu, S., Alkaline Phosphatase Activity and Basophilia in
Hepatic Cells Following Administration of Butter Yellow to Rats, Proc. Soc. Exptl.
Biol. Med., v. 67, 1948, pp. 242-46.
(^119) Pearson, B., Novikoff, A.B., Morrione, T.G., The Histochemical Localization of
Alkaline Phosphatase during carcinogenesis in Rats Fed p-
Dimethylaminoazobenzene, Cancer Research, v. 10, 1950, pp. 557-64.