Program has large doses of coenzyme Q10, vitamin B 2 , and
ozonated oil (another dye destroyer), for several weeks.
Total Iron (Serum)
Iron is transported on transferrin in the serum. Serum is the
liquid part of the blood (not the blood cells).
The ideal blood level of iron is 100 ug/dL but values as low
as seventy-five are acceptable. Even values as low as fifty will
allow hemoglobin to be made so red blood cells can be born in
the bone marrow. But below this, body systems begin to fail.
A hallmark of advanced cancer is low iron levels so hemo-
globin and RBCs cannot be made.
Although the serum iron level may be low in cancer pa-
tients, this does not mean there is a real shortage of iron. It is
merely piled up in a useless mound of ferritin or of ferric phos-
phate. Some of it can be retrieved in ferrous form as soon as vi-
tamin C appears on the scene. (Only the ferrous form is utiliz-
able.) Vitamin C in its reduced form (as well as cysteine) can
convert ferritin back to usable iron. But reduced vitamin C is
absent in the presence of Ascaris parasites and all iron that is
eaten in food or as a supplement merely adds to the pile of
“wrong form” iron. It is probably not advisable to add to this
pile by eating any more. What counts is getting rid of Ascaris,
so vitamin C can be in its reduced form but then, of course,
there is plenty of iron available without supplementing.
There are reasons for being cautious with iron supplementa-
tion: 1) bacteria need it too; 2) oxidized or metallic iron could
behave like any other metal and induce mutations; and 3) high
ferritin (iron in storage) levels lower immunity.^120 Bacteria are
likely to grab some of it for themselves especially while lac-
toferrin and transferrin levels are still low. These iron transport-
(^120) Cardier, J.E., Romano, E., Soyano, A., T Lymphocytes Subsets In Experimental
Iron Overload, immunopharmacology and Immunotoxicology, v. 19(1), 1997, pp. 75-