The front view of a chest
X-ray shows the lungs as dark
areas on the negative. The
dark area is actually air. The
larger the dark area, the better
your lungs are. On the left
side, marked L on the nega-
tive, a slanting edge marks
the heart. It reaches to the
middle and upward. A bulge
above the heart shows where
the aorta arches backward.
The trachea, esophagus, aorta,
and large abdominal vein all
pass along the middle, be-
tween the lungs, called the
mediastinum. They cannot be distinguished in such a view. Nor
could a tumor be seen here. For this reason a side view is taken
also. On each side of the midline, bright spots are seen, along
finger-like spokes. These
are lymph nodes lining the
tracheoles. They should
not be enlarged or ex-
tremely dense (white on
the print).
A CT scan of the lungs
takes numerous pictures of
imaginary “slices” made
across the body. Each
slice, or cross section, is
pictured in a frame. Frames
taken very close together (a few millimeters) will be able to spot
things that are only a few mm in size. Frames taken far apart
will miss things that are smaller than this spacing. The spacing
is stated on the negative. The dark areas are the lungs, white
specks are the tracheoles with their lymph nodes. The heart is in
the middle. Cross sections of ribs surround the lungs.