Due to my intense emotional distress over this young mother, I called in
a brilliant alternative doctor (Dr. M). He in turn called in a brilliant allo-
pathic doctor (Dr. V). Seldom do we all join forces. Dr. V pronounced that
nothing could be done that would not add needless misery to the weeks or
months remaining for her. But he would run a special catheter right into her
liver so we could conveniently administer any treatment.
She was very pale, thin, small framed, but still vivacious.
Our electronic testing showed ortho-phospho-tyrosine, isopropyl alco-
hol, Fasciolopsis buskii, asbestos, fiberglass, aluminum were Positive. Mer-
cury, lead, cadmium, arsenic, formaldehyde, and eight common food bacteria
were Negative.
She was to stop using her clothes dryer or hair dryer to eliminate asbes-
tos. She would bring in dust samples from home to track down the fiberglass
source. She had less than the average number of toxins in her home.
She was to start the parasite killing program, zap daily, and go off eve-
rything on the isopropyl alcohol list. She seemed to be in a panic and agreed
eagerly. She was to start the kidney herb recipe.
Her IVs would be formulated to contain glycyrrhizin, DMSO, B-
vitamins, vitamin C, and laetrile beginning at once.
She felt better immediately, the same day, and skipped next day’s treat-
ment. The day after, she arrived quite fatigued. Although ortho-phospho-
tyrosine and Fasciolopsis were now Negative, she was still Positive for iso-
propyl alcohol. She had gone back to using regular shampoo and drinking
Liver scan from August