Wobe Mugos digestive enzymes, and as much pain killer as needed of a non-
morphine variety.
A blood test was ordered and it showed that tumor activity was not
great, the LDH was only 179. Liver enzymes were very high, especially the
GGT, a function of the liver that is also sensitive to aflatoxin and synthetic
dyes. His RBC was too high as expected for vanadium toxicity.
By the third day, he was free of isopropyl alcohol, gold buildup, and the
malignancy. Only shrinking the tumors and regaining health remained. He
was monitored with the Syncrometer each day for solvents and bacteria. In
spite of starting on ozonated water and liver herbs, he still had freon in his
pancreas ten days later.
But on the eighth day, a new ultrasound of liver and pancreas showed a
remarkable improvement.
The pancreatic tumor that
had been 7 x 5 cm was now
only 5.8 x 2.6 cm. He was
off to a good start. The
largest of the various liver
tumors was 3.75 x 3.05 cm
in the right lobe (“LOB
He was still getting
chills every night and pain
at both sides, over the right
liver and over the pancreas.
Coffee enemas to reduce
pain were recommended
The freon refused to
leave him; it was found to
be present in his room so
he moved to a room with-
out an air conditioner. On
the fourteenth day, he was
still feeling very bad, dizzy
all the time. He could not
shake his systemic salmo-
nella... not until it was
found polluting his water
pitcher! He was changed to
a glass jar instead of the
plastic pitcher beside his bed. [Drinking water from a standing source is
never advisable.]
Two days later, after the last metal was out of his teeth, [we were re-
placing amalgam with composite at that time] he was feeling, strangely,
Apr. 4 pancreas and liver