as cancer markers^12 ). Surprisingly there are two ways you can
get isopropyl alcohol into your body. Some bacteria produce it,
and it is used as an antiseptic in many of our body products and
Obviously, then, the most important thing to do first is
eliminate these parasites, bacteria, and unnatural chemicals.
This, in turn, eliminates the two dominant growth stimulators
hCG and ortho-phospho-tyrosine.
Tumor Tour
hCG is human Chorionic Gonadotropin , the same hor-
mone a mother produces in her placenta to protect the growing
baby from attack by her own immune system. hCG will protect
the tumor cells from attack, no doubt, by your immune sys-
tem.^13 hCG is only present when isopropyl alcohol is present
and organic germanium (“good” germanium) is absent, sug-
gesting that it may result from a specific mutation (a mutation is
a change in your genes). We will see evidence for this theory
Ortho-phospho-tyrosine is a powerful growth stimulant,
perhaps made by the parasite larvae themselves, perhaps in-
duced in our cells by the intestinal fluke parasite. Whatever the
mechanism is, the explosive growth that results has disastrous
consequences: metastasis to far flung places in the body. No
amount of surgery, radiation, or chemotherapy and no amount
of alternative therapy (vitamins, health potions, immune boost-
ers) can keep up with such a mitosis (cell division) explosion.
But killing this parasite and all its tiny larval stages stops it
in about a week, using the parasite-killing program discussed in
The Cure For All Cancers. In advanced cancer we will use
(^12) Sell, S., Diagnostic Uses of Cancer Markers, The Female Patient, v. 9, Aug 1984,
p. 133-48. Tyrosine-Phosphorylated Proteins are discussed as markers for human
tumors in these articles: Hunter, T., Cooper, J.A. Ann, Rev. Biochem., v. 54, 1985,
p. 897. Yarden, Y. Ann, Rev. Biochem., v. 57, 1988, p. 443.
(^13) A Clue to Cancer, Newsweek, Oct. 23, 1995, p. 92.