It was palpable,
meaning you could feel
it quite easily. In fact,
the radiologist thought it
was merely a cyst now
and could be drained.
Jennifer declined.
She was now Posi-
tive for Salmonella—
she had run out of
Lugol’s and was unable
to get it locally. She was
also Positive for formal-
dehyde, zirconium,
aflatoxin, copper, and
patulin. Her patulin was particularly high, so that tumor necrosis factor
(TNF) the body’s own tumor shrinker, was missing. Copper was especially
high, too. She was started immediately on an EDTA IV to pull it out, to-
gether with DMSO, vitamin C, and magnesium. She also had benzene toxic-
ity for which she was given vitamin B 2. It was easy to see why the tumor
could not shrink further.
A new blood test was done. A glance at the RBC shows she is still toxic
with either cobalt or vanadium. We will compare the two tests, item by item.
11/27 2/1 Results
RBC 5.05 5.09 No change. Probably still cobalt as before.
WBC 12,100 7,600 Many fewer bacteria, since tumor is smaller.
BUN 10.0 9.0 Urea formation is further inhibited.
creatinine 0.6 0.7 Still too low
AST 28 19 All liver enzymes (AST, ALT, GGT) are im-
ALT 33 16
GGT 11 9.0
LDH 202 135 Liver is healthier, can metabolize lactic acid
now. [Sudan Black B is gone.]
alk phos 62 59 Same as above.
albumin 5.2 4.7 This is now normal in spite of continued cobalt
uric acid 3.2 1.5 There is a severe lack of glutamine (as well as
ongoing Clostridium infection and purine
calcium 10.4
8.5 The problem has shifted from the thyroid to
the parathyroids, resulting in too low calcium.
iron 92 119 Perfect each time. Not being affected by cop-
per or germanium yet.
potassium 5.0 4.3 It has returned to normal. Thyroid is function-
Feb. 2 Breast ultrasound