There were numerous bacteria in the breast, too. She was switched to the
new parasite program, which uses 2 tsp. of black walnut tincture extra
strength instead of the earlier “drop” recipe she had started herself on. She
was to begin zapping, also. And stop wearing a regular bra (only the athletic
variety) to improve lymphatic drainage under the breasts.
She was to go off the isopropyl alcohol list, stop using pesticide and
bleach, change her refrigerator to a non-freon variety, and start the freon re-
moval program even though freon tested Negative on her “whole body” test.
My experience had been that we always found it present at the tumor site,
even when it is absent in the systemic test. She said that three air conditioner
failures had occurred in the past summer, implying that freon had escaped
into her air space and she breathed it up. She believed that her water pipes at
home were plastic, not copper, but she would bring in a water sample next
time she arrived for follow up.
She was to stop using detergent or washing soda (which now also has
cobalt) and arrange for removal of metal from her teeth. She was to use
Lugol’s iodine daily to prevent salmonella species from getting into the
breast, although they did not show up at the “whole body” test.
A blood test was scheduled, but she could not wait for the results. Work
necessitated her return; she stated she had only come to assess our capability
of curing her cancer. Her ultrasound of breast did not get done. The blood
test results were back next day. A single glance reveals the toxic effect of
either cobalt or vanadium, the RBC is much too high; a check of the initial
toxin test (above) revealed cobalt was Positive. And the WBC was also much
too high showing an intense bacterial infection somewhere. Albumin was
elevated, another cobalt effect. LDH was somewhat elevated showing liver
toxicity [actually Sudan Black dye].
Also, there was a toxin in the thyroid, allowing the calcium to be too
high; this could be due to cobalt, copper, or any other toxic substance. Cre-
atinine was much too low, implying poor ability to make this compound or a
high excretion rate, both typical of cancer.
Liver function tests (AST, ALT, GGT) were good, as was alkaline phos-
phatase. Uric acid was probably “masked”, hiding the true disturbances.
The potassium level was too high, implying inability of the tissue cells to
absorb it. This usually reflects on the thyroid, which we already see is
malfunctioning (high calcium), but it could also mean that malonic acid is
directly or indirectly inhibiting potassium uptake by the potassium pumps of
So the tumorous process was, indeed, underway. How would she stop it,
all by herself, without our guidance in a distant place? We underestimated
her determination.
Two months later she returned with a much smaller lump. She had
achieved a lot on her own. But she wanted it all gone. This time she was
willing to stay three weeks. An ultrasound showed a tumor, 3.6 x 3.0 x 2.1
cm (3.0 was the depth).