The next day, the surviving tapeworm stages in the liver were searched
for from a set of 33 slides. She still had: Taenia solium cysticercus, Taenia
solium eggs, Diphyllobothrium erinacea, Moniezia expansa eggs, and Taenia
solium scolex.
Evidently coenzyme Q10 was not effective, at least not at this dose. We
decided to go back to our previous tapeworm treatment, a big dose of black
walnut tincture extra strength. She was given 8 tsp. in water, sipped in ½
hour, and another 8 tsp. two hours later.
The next day, November 30, she was tested for tapeworm stages again.
Four out of the five tested Negative now (the fifth, Taenia solium cysticercus
was omitted in the test; this slide was temporarily mislaid). She had also
gotten rid of her aflatoxin by avoiding all grains in her diet and eating no
She missed more days—precious IV days. Arriving on December 4 she
was tested again; all tapeworm stages were still Negative. Aflatoxin was still
Negative. Even copper was now gone from her liver, although no EDTA was
used in her IV to chelate it
We discussed her
liver ultrasound done on
November 27. It was
abysmally bad. There were
tumors strewn about like
trash on a windy day.
There was no way to count
them. Yet she smiled
blithely as we spoke about
them. The radiologist sim-
ply described them as
“multiple liver metasta-
ses.” Only two were
measured in each lobe.
Why couldn’t she take our
program more seriously?
It would be a certain fatal-
ity. Should I send her to a
different cancer doctor,
one who would frighten
her with threats and vivid
descriptions of what it’s
like to die of cancer?
Tubes everywhere, pain in
spite of morphine, a dis-
tended belly, no appetite,
etc. I decided against it,
Nov. 27 ultrasound of R and L liver