for a few more days. Other doctors would manage to keep her more dutifully
getting her IVs, but the same IVs would be polluted with isopropyl alcohol
and E. coli—the risk seemed greater than the benefit.
On December 5, she was feeling exceptionally well. She tested Negative
for pyruvate at the liver, indicating the pile-up was gone. Malonic acid was
Positive, though, and very high at the liver. The question immediately arose:
how could she have malonic acid in her liver when no more tapeworm stages
I concluded [wrongly] that she must still have a tapeworm stage, but not
a variety I had tested for. She was given another two sets of black walnut
tincture extra strength, 8 tsp. each, one hour apart. (This was her fourth piece
of good luck; in our ignorance we maximized her treatment, instead of
minimizing it.) Then she zapped. She was perfectly cheerful about this,
without a snippet of a complaint about the taste or the cost. With equal
cheerfulness, she announced she was leaving in a few days for home!
Leaving for home with a liver full of ticking bombs? It seemed the
height of folly. We scheduled her final ultrasound, but did not manage to do
a last blood test, at least not then.
She was back on De-
cember 8, ultrasound in
hand, and an impish grin
on her face. She couldn’t
interpret the negative her-
self, but the radiologist
had told her there were no
We quickly taped the
negatives onto the win-
dows for all of us to re-
view. There was nothing
that could be identified as
a tumor. The texture was
bad. Possibly a CT scan of
the liver would have
shown more detail. But
the overriding truth was
she had made tremendous
improvements in the past
two weeks and would sur-
vive. She could count on
living again. How did it
happen? She had missed
most of her IVs, and taken
very few supplements.
[Nor did she observe a
Dec. 7 R and L liver lobes with no