malonate-free diet because we didn’t know there was malonic acid in food at
that time.]
She left for home, to be with her family for Christmas. She promised to
come back in January. We felt she was squandering all her gains.
But her husband had a new refrigerator for her for Christmas, all fiber-
glass was sealed up tightly, the water pipes had been changed—it was a case
of true love.
We had wished her a Merry Christmas in wonderment. On January 24
she returned, quite lively and energetic looking. Could she really be that
well? She tested Positive for benzene this time...maybe she had allowed
herself some lotion or soap she got for Christmas. And Salmonella was
plaguing her again, but cadmium was her only heavy metal now. Was it her
pink dentures or her galvanized plumbing? Patulin and aflatoxin were again
Positive. But all in all her results were much better than before.
A new blood test rewarded her for her family’s efforts. The RBC and
WBC were now perfect! The liver enzymes had improved! But LDH had
crept up to 238. Did this reflect new tumor activity or the burden on the liver
from opening tumors [releasing their Sudan Black and lanthanides]? The tell
tale sign of aflatoxin was present in the bilirubin. It too, had just passed the
1.0 mark. We carefully warned her about moldy food. The calcium level had
dropped, iron had risen, and potas-
sium was normal again.
And she was obviously much
better nourished, judging by the
triglycerides and cholesterol. But
we had mislaid her file and had
nothing to compare her results with
as we reviewed her blood test. We
couldn’t make a strong case for
her staying longer for more
treatment. And she was off again to
care for her home and family. She
had made a success story out of an
imminent tragedy.
Summary: A year later, a
beautiful Christmas card arrived.
Was it from her bereaved family?
It was in her handwriting, signed
by her. She said she was entirely
well and wished us all the very
Did she have a fifth piece of
luck? What was it? That we lost
her file? Or she just didn’t like
malonic acid foods and nobody
11/27 1/24
RBC 3.96 4.64
WBC 15,800 6,300
PLT 166 188
glucose 83 102
BUN 16 13
creatinine 0.7 0.1
AST (SGOT) 65 55
ALT (SGPT) 59 50
LDH 209 238
GGT 409 332
T.b. 0.6 1.2
alk phos 120 129
T.p. 6.5 6.5
albumin 4.0 4.3
globulin 4.0 4.3
uric acid 3.6 3.4
Calcium 10.5 8.9
Phosphorus 3.2 2.8
Iron 70 82
Sodium 140 139
Potassium 5.3 4.7
Chloride 109 107
triglycerides 80 258
cholesterol 128 146