Her toxin test showed malonic acid Positive, benzene, isopropyl alcohol,
wood alcohol, all bacteria Negative. Freon was Negative (she had a new re-
frigerator). Asbestos was Positive (due to her new hair dryer?). I recom-
mended that she use no dryer
at all. Copper was Positive
(she was still treating her
water instead of changing
pipes). Mercury was Positive
(probably an amalgam tat-
too). Aflatoxin was Positive–
she should eat home baked
bread and avoid peanuts.
She was feeling very
well and had her new blood
test results with her. Her uric
acid was up to 3 now. Cal-
cium was too low, showing a
developing parathyroid
problem. No doubt, her tox-
ins were accumulating in her
parathyroid glands; this re-
duces parathyroid hormone
enough to test Negative with
the Syncrometer, and keep
calcium absorption very low.
Calcium is also kept low by
malonic acid, which simply
chelates it away.
Janelle Ford
11/6/95 9/16/96
WBC 5,400
RBC 3.74 (3.9-
PLT 177
glucose 85 92
BUN 14 (8-25) 10 (7-25)
creatinine 1.25 1.0
AST (SGOT) 17 14
ALT (SGPT) 14 12
LDH 126 101
GGT 10 10
T.b. 0.2 0.5
alk phos 56 62
T.p. 7.2 6.9
albumin 4.3 3.9
globulin 2.9 3.0
uric acid 2.5 (2.7-6.5)
3.0 (2.5-7.5)
Calcium 9.6 8.9
Phosphorus 3.7 2.7
iron 76 108
Sodium 144 137
Potassium 4.0 4.1
Chlorine 104 107
triglycerides 255 127
cholesterol 197 199
Sep 25, no tumors