and Staphylococcus. He was started on the freon removal program, Lugol’s,
and supplements of assorted minerals (zinc, manganese, molybdenum, sele-
nium, chromium, boron) in a daily small dose. He would continue the para-
site program and add niacinamide daily.
His starting IVs contained cesium chloride, glycyrrhizin, laetrile, vita-
min C. Cesium is used in liver cancer on the assumption that it pulls excess
sodium out of tumor cells and surrounding tissues. Glycyrrhizin, too, is spe-
cially useful for liver cancer; it is licorice extract.
His blood test showed nothing presently life threatening, although the
liver enzymes were clearly elevated. The iron level was very low (33), yet
his bone marrow was still making RBCs as needed.
To pull the copper out of him quickly, two 3 gm doses of EDTA were
added to his IVs the next day. At the same time cesium and glycyrrhizin
were doubled. He was sent to the dentist to exchange amalgam for plastic.
He was started on coenzyme Q10 and silymarin tablets. But all this got
his stomach churning constantly, interfering with his food intake. The cesium
dose was cut in half again, which relieved his stomach.
A week later, there was clearly a worsening of the blood test. His biliru-
bin was over 1. He was eating some high-aflatoxin food [a liver tumor
opened]. It affected nearly all the other liver enzyme tests, too, raising AST,
ALT, and LDH. This would be very serious in a matter of days. The afla-
toxin was found in the bread brought from home; they were still eating it
because it looked and tasted good. Aflatoxin was also found in some white
rice they had purchased from a bulk bin. He was taken off all grains, includ-
ing bread and rice, as well as nuts. Only oatmeal and corn on the cob were
In spite of this setback, a new ultrasound (not shown) indicated the
masses were of lower density in his liver than before.
To get the LDH down, a BQ shot was given on alternate days. His IV
was changed to include 50 gm vitamin C, plus calcium and vitamin B com-
Next day, his dental work was complete; his energy was much better;
and he had very little stomach distress, so he could eat well. He was given 10
drops of hydrochloric acid (5%) to put in his beverage, once a day at dinner
A week later, Echinococcus granulosis (tapeworm larval cyst) was
found at his liver; no other tapeworm stages. But Fasciolopsis stages were
also present. His dose of black walnut tincture extra strength was raised to 8
tsp. to make sure all bowel parasite stages would be killed. Two days after
this, he could sleep without a sleeping pill for the first time. And a new blood
test showed improvement. The bilirubin was nearly back to normal (1.1); the
LDH had dropped sharply; liver enzymes were much better and calcium was
back up. A new ultrasound of liver (not shown) revealed further shrinkage of
the right tumor masses.
By the third week, his purpuric spots were almost completely faded.