neck, skull, spine, and ribs showed massive cancer invasion, as did the pelvis
and legs, not shown.
She had been on the parasite program and zapper for seven days upon
arrival. She was already free of malignancy. The bones still had copper,
freon, patulin, benzene, and two bacteria: Shigella dysenteriae and Staphylo-
coccus aureus. [Cobalt and vanadium were not tested because they were not
yet suspected as routine carcinogens.] Exchanging amalgam for composite
in restored teeth and removing copper from the water supply were our first
priorities. She was started on 3 IVs a day, obtaining EDTA, Clodronate, vi-
tamin C, and magnesium. The EDTA would pull out copper; the Clodronate
would stop bones from dissolving. A panoramic X-ray showed a number of
infected teeth, besides. These would prove to be her undoing as our dentists
at that time did everything in their power to “save” them, repair and restore
them, in fact, do everything but extract them. She was also given vitamin B 2
to detoxify benzene, coenzyme Q10, the freon removal program, and
Lugol’s; of course she would continue the parasite program, stay off the ben-
zene and isopropyl alcohol lists, and zap.
The next day she was free of copper and her Staphylococcus level was
down, though still Positive in her bones. Her IV was changed to contain lae-
trile, instead of EDTA.
Her blood test results were still quite good. Only the LDH was slightly
elevated, considering anything over 160 implies toxicity and tumor activity
by our standards. [The low RBC reflected bone marrow insufficiency, but the
true cause, vanadium or cobalt toxicity, was not suspected.]
In six days she was able to walk a few steps unassisted. A new blood test
showed numerous improvements. Lower alk phos slowed down bone disso-
lution. Removing copper let the iron go up higher. Giving folic acid let the
uric acid drop to a value below the range, exposing the serious shortage of
glutamine (and glutamic acid) that existed. Potassium was now too low also,
showing the body’s ability to utilize it better. But the calcium rise unmasked
a thyroid problem. The parathyroids had become well again (removing cop-
per, freon, and patulin), so calcium absorption could occur. To heal bones,
we need to further stop bone dissolution by means of calcitonin made in the
thyroid. What could still be lurking in the thyroid gland? [At this time we
were unaware of the roles played by clostridium bacteria, malonic acid, and
food dyes.]
She was given glutamine. [Later, we would give glutamic acid instead.]
Malonate was Positive, so she was given a massive dose of Co Q10 to kill
tapeworm stages. [Its origin in dental plastic and food was not known then.]
In another six days she was pain-free except for her upper chest. Pain at
the spine was gone and her walking was improving. Malonate was no longer
present at the kidneys. Rhodizonic acid was added to her supplement list,
taking one capsule (100 mg) 4 times a day. Also, hydrochloric acid (5%), 10
drops in beverage with each meal. Her next blood test showed two good