changes: the LDH was dropping and uric acid rising. The lymphocyte level
(not shown) was only 12%, though. The lymphocyte level should be at least
20%; 12% implicates a toxin in the bone marrow consistent with the drop-
ping RBC and WBC. Her IVs were continued, the same as before, 3/day.
In another two days, she was more aware of the pain at the right rib.
(She was still in the middle of dental replacement.) The dentist found an ab-
scess under a wisdom tooth and pulled the tooth. This cleared the rib pain.
A new bone scan now showed a 50% reduction in lesions. Many small
lesions could no longer be seen. We were overjoyed. Our herbal bone tea
was now added to her regimen.
The next blood test done a few days later, Jan. 9, showed further small
improvements. The lymphocytes were up to 29%. But what happened to the
alk phos? Were tumor cells dying, letting their alk phos escape? [The pres-
ence of carcinogenic dye (DAB) and its connection to elevated alk phos lev-
els was not suspected until a year later. Her new dental plastic was no doubt
supplying it.]
A few days later she was suddenly in a lot of pain. Copper had accumu-
lated again. Its source was found by the testers and removed by her; the new
pain disappeared, then returned again. Finally, a few days later, another
“bad” wisdom tooth was extracted and the extraction site thoroughly
cleaned. She got immediate pain relief for her bones. She could go off all
pain killers. She could walk now.
Her IVs were reduced to 2/day. She was given Clodronate to take by
mouth instead of IV. Malonate was still positive at her joints, although tape-
worm stages were Negative. The source was not known at the time.
The next blood test showed an extreme blood sugar drop, unexplained.
Uric acid was down again. But calcium and alk phos had declined. The
bones were healing. And potassium had come up.
She was still in a lot of newly created pain from recent dental work. The
dentist had persuaded her to go on antibiotics and use cold water packs in-
stead of hot as in our Dental Aftercare. The pain spread to her whole body
and left side of skull again.
Bedridden now, she was too afraid to go off the antibiotics for fear of
heart damage, in spite of our pleading.
A friend came to take Tammy to her home nearby for the total care she
now needed.
Ten days later, she was brought back in a wheel chair, too ill to care
about much. She wanted to go home to England while she could still appre-
ciate her family a little longer. We feared if we released her, she would not
even survive the trip home. We prevailed upon her to stay one more week.
She agreed to go off antibiotics and let herself be hot packed instead, con-
tinually, all day long. She changed her departure time.
A week later she walked in the door unassisted. Her pain was nearly
gone. Her mind was alert and her face smiled. She wanted her picture taken