15 Sean Pokorny Lung Cancer
Sean Pokorny, fiftyish, came with his wife after he had lung surgery at
home to remove a cancerous tumor. He had been through radiation and che-
motherapy already, too. But now his original symptoms were coming back: a
lot of back pain and a pitting edema of the legs plus swelling. That was how
his cancer had struck him at the very beginning.
We found he was still positive for malignancy, but it was not in the lung,
lymph nodes, stomach, or bone; it was at the kidneys.
His first tasks were to get off isopropyl alcohol sources, kill the intesti-
nal fluke, get his plumbing changed at home, and do dental work.
His initial test showed aluminum, chlorine, cadmium, nickel, cobalt,
patulin, and aflatoxin to be positive. Freon and copper were very high at the
kidneys, not elsewhere. Malonic acid was at the kidneys, too.
He could stay three weeks, certainly enough time to learn preventive
measures, so his cancer and tumors would never return. His lung cancer sur-
gery was 1½ years ago; it had spread to the lymph nodes then. But we did
not do a chest X-ray or bone scan at first. We requested an ultrasound of the
kidney region instead.
While waiting for the blood test and ultrasound, he was started on IV
therapy, receiving two a day. They contained EDTA to remove copper; lae-
trile; vitamin C, calcium, and magnesium. The freon removal program and
dental work got off to an early start, too.
Two days later his blood test was reviewed with him. His RBC, WBC,
and platelet count were all slightly elevated. [At that time I was not aware
that cobalt or vanadium toxicity could each raise the RBC. In this case, Sean
had tested Positive to cobalt.] The WBC is also elevated; suggesting a hid-
den infection somewhere, getting out of control. The elevated platelet count
suggests minute bleeding. Lung tumors have a propensity for bleeding, but
his lung cancer was in the past, or so we thought. At any rate, we needed to
focus on the kidneys, because of severe edema, pain, and the current malig-
nancy there. Tumors at other locations would be healing right along with the
healing process going on at the kidneys.
The globulin was too high. [But its link to vanadium toxicity was not
suspected then. We thought it was just a normal, though mysterious, fluctua-
tion of this liver protein product.] The most relieving result was the LDH;
according to this, there was little tumor activity when Sean arrived, Decem-
ber 27. Yet according to the elevated alk phos, there was considerable tumor
activity. [This discrepancy is easily understood now ; he was full of DAB dye,
not Sudan Black B.] The low iron level was interpreted as a copper toxicity
and should be easy to correct. His better than average cholesterol and
triglycerides would help, too.
He was a model patient. Every recommendation was implemented im-
mediately. Even his metal tooth fillings were removed by the end of day two.