sive for her, but we did anxiously await some kind of communication. She
had been, after all, rather close to needing a transfusion, (RBC 3.23) which
we give when the RBC can’t even be kept up to 3.0.
Six weeks later she reappeared. This time, April 24, we put her right in
our emergency room. She was very ill, wracked with pain and gasping for
breath. We ordered a chest X-ray, did a blood test, put her on oxygen, and
started IVs going. They contained 3 gm calcium, procaine, magnesium, ce-
sium, vitamin B-complex, DMSO, and vitamin C. The calcium was based on
her last blood test, much too low. Procaine was for pain relief, magnesium to
help the heart, B-complex to help metabolism, DMSO to help the B vitamins
penetrate the cells. While taking her IVs she was given Q10, 3 grams, glu-
tathione, and a 2 tsp. dose of black walnut tincture extra strength. We
thought this could be her last leg on life’s journey.
Copper was now present in her liver and parathyroids, but we could not
use EDTA to get it out quickly—it would interfere with the calcium being
given. There was malonate at the bone marrow. We had just found that ma-
lonic acid could come from foods; we quickly warned her about orange
juice, her favorite beverage.
Surprisingly, she walked in quite ably the next day, her X-ray in hand,
declining any IV, probably for financial reasons. The X-ray showed a dis-
tinct tumor in the lung, side view. There was very little air capacity due to the
enlarged heart and “water” effusate taking up lung space. Yet, she was
rallying. Especially at the bone marrow on April 24; the WBC (3,800) and
platelet count (185) were up significantly.
Best of all, her LDH was down, way down (205), meaning there was
less tumor activity in the bone marrow and now, the lung. In fact, the lung
must be healing already, since alk phos had not come up at all.
But the iron level was shocking. Was this why her RBC failed to come
up? Lack of iron? But she had quite enough earlier. Perhaps her bone mar-
row was using the iron to make more cells, but the quinidine drug was sim-
ply killing them. We quickly gave her an iron shot to be repeated weekly and
a liquid supplement, “iron booster,” 1 tbs. daily (chlorophyll).
The plan was to repeat the test in four days, since she did not want a
transfusion, and yet was poised right at the transfusion level. Perhaps if we
switched her from quinidine to a different heart medication, it would save the
RBCs and let them come up. She had not seen her specialist.