Five days later, her breathing was much better, she was not fatigued or
wracked with pain. In fact, she was walking daily on the beach. She was an
enigma to us. We repeated the blood test; it was April 29.
There was no significant change anywhere to be seen. She stayed an ex-
tra day to make progress with her dental work. We persuaded Holly to take
another IV, containing calcium, magnesium, procaine (for persistent pain
between shoulder blades near her lung tumor), B complex, cesium, and vita-
min C.
She was also started on niacin 100 mg, three times a day and vitamin E,
400 units one a day (to reduce fragility of RBCs). She was on the kidney
herb recipe and Q10, all intended to help the heart.
In a few days, she was breathing better still; she was no longer on pain
killers, although she hadn’t really started on the niacin or vitamin E. Her
lower back pain was gone.
And she vanished.
Apr 25 profile X-ray with tumor outlined