An unusual feature was the high blood sugar due to his diabetes. Since
this means that sugar has difficulty entering cells, perhaps it also has diffi-
culty entering the tumor cells. Tumor cells need a lot of glucose to grow. The
mineral chromium is in short supply in diabetics. Chromium helps sugar
enter the cells. Should it be given to help the rest of the body reabsorb the
tumors, or withheld to starve the tumor? I planned to do a little of both,
watching carefully for abrupt changes.
He was started on the freon program, parasite program, Lugol’s, Q10,
and glutathione. His IVs began with EDTA, vitamin B-complex, gly-
cyrrhizin, DMSO, laetrile, and vitamin C. The EDTA would pull heavy met-
als out.
On the second day, the EDTA was exchanged for calcium and magne-
sium. Methyl malonate could repeatedly be found at the liver and spleen. He
was given B 12 , folic acid and silymarin.
Although some things improved by April 17, some things were worse.
The thyroid and parathyroids were better, allowing calcium and T.p. to rise
and potassium to fall. Somehow he was getting more copper [or germanium ]
than before; his iron had dropped. His LDH had risen somewhat. In fact,
gradually worsening liver function can be seen throughout his stay [in spite
of and possibly due to shrinking tumors!]. One significant change is the drop
Apr 25 One tumor gone, remaining tumor shrunk to
4.0 x 4.3 cm, smaller masses more diffuse